Grading Scheme - Bachelor of Sciences in Computer Engineering (BSCE)

Course grades shall be awarded to the students based on their performance in a course. Grading shall be indicated by letters. There shall be 4-letter grades i.e. A, B, C &D for individual courses with 9 performance levels i.e;

Letter Grades Performance Levels
2 As A & A-
3 Bs B+, B & B-
3 Cs C+, C & C-
1 D Simple D
F Fail
I Incomplete

The grade points assigned to the letter grades shall be as under:

Grade Grade Points
A 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C 2.00
C- 1.70
D 1.00
F 0.00

The following guidelines for the award of Letter Grades will be followed by the course teacher in case of absolute grading and project evaluation.

Marks (%age) Letter Grade
90 to 100 A
85 to 89 A-
80 to 84 B+
75 to 79 B
70 to 74 B-
65 to 69 C+
60 to 64 C
55 to 59 C-
50 to 54 D
Less than 50 F